Artistic Research

Artistic Research
23/03/2017 fransje@dmin




Sorry, the question is wrongly put, good man (1978). We should ask: When is a research artistic? – But let us start from the end. (Julian Klein, Gegenworte, 2010)



During my master of scenography I was researching how to create performative installations about social situations in an aesthetic, humorous and provocative way.
I am interested in sociology and I feel the need to create works that say something about the society I live in. In a direct way through the subjects I address (gender, fear, tension) but also indirectly through the way the work is presented (philosophical, aesthetically or with humor). The embodied experience is of great importance in this research; I do not only want the work to say something but I want the spectator to feel and experience the work physically.
How can I create work which needs you to be active in order for it to work?  
How can I create work that facilitates a bodily experience ? 
The research will be done by the work itself; through practice and producing art works. I see research as an act, an event, which will continue even after my studies. All the research topics you see on this website  were the beginning of my research- one that is of great value- sharing the research with you.


In 2016 I made several works to understand how I can create performativity in an object or a space, for example ‘the space in between’ or the ‘doom scenarios’. I also learned how to experiment with the role of the spectator during the Master: experimenting with the topic of gender (fluidity of gender) for example.
In between those works I have experimented much more, but not all of it succeeded to this website. And some of the works presented here did not succeed at all in what I wanted to achieve.
But that’s the whole point of experimenting, as Leon de Bruijne showed me so well in the interview I did with him, and together these selected experiments are the process of my artistic research.
how can a space ‘act’?
what is the performative quality of a space or object?

20160520_185236           Schermafbeelding 2016-06-06 om 18.21.08



In 2016 I decided to study again.
After six years of working in theatre & film as a director or art- director I felt it was time to deepen my work as a maker.  I also felt I needed to enter another form of the arts- visual work and spatial design.
So I applied and here I am. I chose to work without actors/ performers the next two years in order to find out how I can create narratives/ performances through a space, object or installation. And instead of the actor the spectator becomes my protagonist.

How can I go from being an artist that makes things

into being an artist that makes things happen?


2016-06-06 16.36.43















theoretical interests:

Zygmunt Bauman on living in uncertain times Geert Hofstede on Cultural dimensionsAgamben on timeJonathan Crary on our 24/7 economy